Beth (B) – Lord, what are you wanting to say?
God (G) – It is my way. All the mystery of my ways is on purpose. I like that I call you into surrendered trust to say ‘Yes God, Your way’ when you don’t understand and you can’t explain. I like that you come closer, not farther away. I like that you dig in scripture and look up word definitions and ponder and muse and listen and rest. I like you with me. I like that in your wonder and awe you choose me. I like that it is enough. I like that you come and be still and know that I AM may not make sense or fit your idea or your way and you are willing to set that aside and say ‘Yes’ anyway, without fear, or doubt or anxiety but simply in love.
B – I wonder if the truth is so simple that I still miss it more than I know it?
G – No, you catch it, but yes, there is more.
B – I want more Lord, I want to know You. I want to know your ways. To know immediately when I see your way, that you are in it. It is funny to think on the idea of “your way”. I want to be without expectation and be ok with surprises and mysteries and unusual and unique and out of the box. I want to be settled so deeply in you that your peace surpasses my understanding and I remain settled even in the surrounding swirl and mess. I want the rock that is steady and the mind of Christ. I want. I want more of you.
Radical faith, that place that confounds the world and makes all the sense to you. The choice to be still and know instead of listening to the world’s list of things to do. Your plan instead of my plan. My unguarded trust in knowing you are good, you have a good plan, you are not surprised and I can count on you. That nothing is wasted, everything is for your good purpose, I am not going to miss anything you have for me and I can be still and know that I AM is more than enough for all.
What time is it? Where am I? What do you see? What do you know? How can I be?
G – Wonder and awe. The time is quickly coming that all will look different and all will be in my order. All will be for my glory and all will be for your good. And all is for my pleasure. And all is for you and all is not against you.
B – I keep hearing the word confounded, Lord.
G – YOU will not be confounded. You will know all is me. You will watch me in the mystery and have a heart turned toward me in awe and wonder. You will be sure and you will proclaim the mystery of Christ in you and you will be heard and you will know it is my way. It is clear, it is true, it is sure. It is and I am.
B – Lord, I am listening. Data is the new bacon, that funny sticker (I had seen this bumper sticker), what Lord?
G – Bacon. The extravagant extra. The tastiest treat. The wonder and awe of this time will be showered with bacon. It is my over the top, just because I love you, not of critical importance but wonderful and delicious. That is the time. It is showered with wonder and awe, unexpected surprises, more than enough. Gifts, bonuses, packages, trips, extras, delights, special just for you and your family. There will be no doubt the source of the plenty. I am the author and the perfecter, the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, I am. I see, I hear, I touch, I listen, I laugh, I love, I am. You can rest in me and watch in awe and wonder as I unfold this time for your heart and my glory.
B – Yes Lord. I don’t want to miss anything. I want to ooo and aahh. I want to be exuberant, to dance and laugh and applaud and shout and giggle and groan and grab a hand and dance a jig. I want to show the world just how fun you are and I want them to know you.
G – It is good. It is going to be really fun and you are going to enjoy it more than you can even imagine and it is a family thing. You all are involved in every bit of this adventure and it will have my handprint and is especially designed just for you.
B – Yes Lord, I get that little catch, the doubt, the fear, the wonder that goes dark and I say, oh Lord, I believe, help me in my unbelief. I know you know my heart and you see the little rain cloud. Let it be for your glory. The rain cloud, yes Lord.
G – The sky is opening and it is a big flood and it is really good, exciting, enticing and delicious.
B – Thank you Lord. Your way Lord. I am so excited to see what you are up to. Thank you Lord. I love you more than anything or anytime or anyplace. Lord help me to be.
Excerpt from Loving and Faithful