Beth (B) – Anything Lord?
God (G) – It is enough. Me.
B – Yes Lord. Help me today to be in you with your enough is enough Lord. Thank you for All.
G – You are being watched. Keep still and know I AM
B – Yes Lord
G – There’s a place in ME that only you can come, and I AM inviting you deeper.
B – What does that look like Lord, besides just saying Yes?
G – unclench (Noticing my teeth clenched.)
Relax and just be. It is ok. All around you and I AM is here with you in the surrounding swirl. We sit in the quiet place in the center, unmoved.
B – Yes Lord. I like that. I say Yes. I choose you. Still, small, quiet, big, beautiful, enough, All I AM. Yes Lord, I choose you. Thank you for directing me today. I want to do today your way Lord.
G – Love
B – Yes Lord
G – Enough. It’s enough.
B – Yes Lord. Show me your love in each place, with each person. Your way Lord. Yes Lord.
Excerpt from An Encourager’s Heart