It’s interesting that in areas we hurt, food scarcity and financial lack, you have given us ways to bless others. This is not a coincidence. This is not good luck or good fortune. This is on purpose with Jesus. Taking the few loaves and fish given and multiplying them to feed the many. The many didn’t “do” anything. They sat, hungry. The one offered the little he had and believed in the bigness of you Jesus. Maybe not at first, but certainly as he watched the contents of his lunch bag feed the multitudes.
Why? Why do we not see you today in this way? Why do we ignore that our gift, freely given, is taken by you and multiplied in ways we can not fathom or imagine? Why?
I believe you are the maker of heaven and earth and I see that you can do beyond my wildest imaginations. Your ways often do not meet or match my expectations, but it is good. Beyond good. Beautiful, incredible, magnificent. Lord, let me not be over run by the needs of this world but instead be over run with the plenty of your love, for me and for others. Help me to see and be moved with you to be the manna they need for today. In word and deed. For your glory Lord.
Scripture: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand is noted in every gospel, Mathew 14:13-21; Mark 6:32-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:5-13. The boy’s lunch is mentioned only in John 6: 9 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”