Beth (B) – Wow! There is a lot going on in Romans 8. I’m reading both The Passion Translation (TPT) and New International Version (NIV).
God (G) – Careful Beth. Judging, words, be slow, cautious, very careful, judging.
B – Lord, I repent, Lord for all judgment, negative, lies, all words that don’t line up with your words. All the Holy Spirit (HS) catches. Help me to be pure, HS wisdom and slow to speak.
G – Do not choose rush, choose slow. The world rushes and leaves a wake of destruction in words, thoughts, actions. Instead leave a glory wake, the impact of my water lapping on the shores. It is life, nourishment, love, peace, joy, unity, calm, order.
B – Yes Lord. I want this Lord. Your way. Praying, I want to be lined up with you Lord. My ideas, opinions do not matter unless, and only if, they are yours and lined up with you.
Later I am reading Noah Stryker’s book, The Thing with Feathers, and in the chapter Spontaneous Order, about “critical systems, poised at a tipping point” (p.47)
“Water becomes a critical system when it freezes, and also when it boils. Avalanches are said to reach a critical point at the moment when they break free. Magnets become critical when they spontaneously align from disorder.”
B – (Thinking about) Tipping point, let me spontaneously align from disorder. I want to be with you Lord, every time. HS align me spontaneously with your order, from disorder (lie) to order (truth) every time. Spontaneous magnetism Lord with you and your way. And (p.48) “Equations of magnets, it turns out, can describe a starling flock better than biology can” and I giggle as I read this as it is creation defining truth not science defining creation. It is you Lord, your truth.
Excerpt from An Encourager’s Heart