Definition: The effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling.
Beth (B) – That is you over me. You are effusively enthusiastic and ecstatic over me. You love me – incredibly. You adore me. My every part. It is an incredible truth to my heart to know this about you. You are loving me, protecting me, admiring me, honoring me. I believe you are boasting about me. That is my girl. My one and only Beth. I designed her, created her, just right and like no other. She is wonderfully and beautifully made. She is special, unique, exquisite and valuable. I value her above all others. She is my favorite. My heart skips a beat when she turns her eye toward me. It is true. Incredibly, beautifully and wonderfully made. I am celebrating her all the time. I am constantly watching her, seeing her, hearing her. I am never weary of her. I am always longing for her more and more. Lord tell me.
God (G) – I love you. I adore you. I am absolutely and completely taken with you. You are my one and only. I long for our time together. I admire you all the time. Your words, your way, your gestures, your thoughts, your heart, your faithful, hopeful, always trusting me way. It is beautiful to me. I am completely smitten, and I can’t get enough of you. I long for our time together. I love our daily way. I love our walks together, our conversations, your observations, your feelings, your prayers, your concerns, your praise and thanksgiving, your awe and reverence, your honor and respect, your always pointing to me. I love that you love me. That is enough. Your love.
B – Thank you Lord for your incredible, beautiful, amazing way. Help me to fully embrace you again today, full of hope and peace and joy and love and rest.
Thank you, Lord.
Excerpt from An Encourager’s Heart