Beth (B) – So where today Lord?
God (G) – Remedial?
B – What Lord?
G – Willing to go remedial with me?
B – Yes Lord. What do you want to show me?
G – Anything?
B – Yes Lord anything.
G – Condemnation is not my way.
B – Yes Lord, I feel that catch. I know.
G – Love is my way.
B – Yes Lord.
G – The remedy
B – Yes Lord, What is it?
G – Love. In every area, always, the way is love and it is hard, and I call you to it in every area and where it is hard is where you lean in more. You don’t run, hide, squabble, rebel, you lean in so I can cover you (Psalm 91) and watch and see what I can do with love. It is always new, always different, and always good and I call you to the place of always choosing me and my way above you, your flesh, your mind, your circumstances. Every time you choose me, you win, every time, even when it doesn’t look that way.
B – I know. I see. I feel.
G – I bring broken things into alignment and joy into places full of sorrow and hope where disappointment has resided, and I declare a new day. By letting go, we go to higher places. It is my way. You look silly in the world, but I am very fond of you. MY affection is solidly set on you and there is no other way I can move with you. It is the mystery, the place we meet, the place love wins every single time no matter what it looks like and yes, this is confusing without the sure footed, solid rock foundation that all truth rests in me.
B – Yes, Lord. (I am including the list of scriptures Holy Spirit gave me to provide an example of how God speaks to me. The italicized words are scripture and the non-italicized words are my own Holy Spirit inspired notes.)
Psalm 113:5 (TPT) No one can be compared to God, enthroned on high!
Galatians 2:2 Paul responded to revelation from God of grace message.
Isaiah 51:4 “Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation: The law will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations.”
Ephesians 2:3 Before Jesus, in sin with mindset
Jeremiah 23:1 Woe to leaders
Hosea 3:4 Set apart, rescued from living in sin, restoration step.
Colossians 2:3 (TPT) For our spiritual wealth is in him, like hidden treasure waiting to be discovered – heaven’s wisdom and endless riches of revelation knowledge.
Galatians 4:1 Identity, heir is child, minor, like slave, though owns whole earth
Ezekiel 1:11 I saw kingdom creatures
Ezekiel 11:1 HS lifted me and showed me leaders of people
Proverbs 2:3 (TPT) Yes, cry out for comprehension and intercede for insight.
Genesis 1:12 Creation, fruitful, plentiful and good.
Revelations 11:7 Circumstances NOT END!
Wow Lord, This is your story. Show me what you want. Whatever Lord. I want your eyes.
G – Intercede and ask.
B – Yes Lord.
G – It is enough for now. Relax, more will come.
B – Yes Lord.
Excerpt from An Encourager’s Heart