Beth (B) – Lord, I know your hand is on this because your hand is on everything, so Lord, yes, whatever it looks like we say yes, your way and thank you. Thank you for all you are doing for us. What Lord? What would you like to say? It has been so long…
God (G) – Little one, Yes, I am with you. I am tethered to you. You are with me and it is good. Plentiful. Yes, beyond what you can think or ask.
B – I see marbles, all different shapes and sizes and colors, and the thumb of God.
G – There is strategy in my every move, and everything lines up every time and yes it is safe. You are well protected, and it is good. All things will be in right order for you and it is by my hand. There is nothing out of place and yes, rest is my gift, the peace that surpasses understanding. The jagged becomes smooth and the sore becomes vital and yes, all lines up.
B – angels?
G – Yes, my angels are on assignment, and they love their assignment. They are giddy with anticipation, awaiting my command, ‘Release’, and it is close.
B – Lord, what brings release?
G – You are. You listen, wait, trust, believe, believe, allow faith to rise. Nothing to ‘do’ only be still and know I am God.
B – I know Lord, help me to know more. My words and conversations, it is so awkward to listen to and talk about natural and circumstances when heaven is all around us.
G – I know. It is ok. No heaviness. No judgment. Just remember it is ok to bring the focus back to me. You are the one, with so many others, that can refocus on hope, truth, the power of Jesus. You are my girl. The awkwardness shows you that you are not of this world.
B – I want to respond like you, in love. The truth is the truth every time. That may be what it looks like but God is in charge and every time God has been faithful.
G – Yes. Love, testimony, focus on me, no room to focus on circumstances without me. Ok to be in fact, but with faith and me. Love more, listen more, release judgment, impatience, anger. Places that feel heavy, keep praying for release.
B – Oh, back to release Lord, I like this. Lord, bring release. I think it isn’t what holds back, it’s saying Yes, Lord, bring release in every area. In our finances, in our health, in our relationships, in our influence, in our entire being, bring release. Imagining the dam breaking and seeing molten gold flowing over everything, Lord. Bring your release. I am feeling the excitement, anticipation.
G – It is what the angels all feel as well. They see the tide rising and they are watching closely for my hand to fall like a flag at a car race.
B – Lord Now, yes, Lord. Thank you for readying us, thank you for continuing to, wow! I am stopped short. What is it?
G – Generosity is the key, the only measure as it is radical and unworldly. It causes the earth’s foundations to shake. It confounds all who watch and judge. It is beyond their knowing or understanding. It is everything. Generosity. Study and learn and see how powerful the generosity of a righteous one impacts so many. The places it reaches. The hearts it turns toward me. I can use generosity in magnificent ways. You have shown me your generosity in so many ways and it is the power of your heart turned toward me that brings peace, rest, trust, faith, healing, overwhelming security, with me.
B – Lord, a bit funny feeling. Do? Not wanting that self effort, strive place.
G – Study means watch, measure, listen. This is not work, this is awareness. Watch how I use generosity toward you and through you. Much shift is happening and the generosity toward you and through you will be overwhelming. The release is generosity. The release is the breakthrough dam. The release is abundance overwhelming for you and through you to many, many others. You are positioned now to always be inclined toward me, desiring what I desire for my glory. Resting well, knowing you are always cared for, always provided for in amazing, unusual, other worldly ways. Then you in turn pour out what you have. It is easy, not hard, not doing, striving. It is with ease. “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). It is my way, the pour through overflowing, pressed down. The measures to you are beyond what you could think or ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). It is overwhelming and the release is now and it is quickly and it is suddenly and it is more than enough, more, more, more for all the hardship, tension, fury toward you, judgment you stood strong in, for all the blasting, you have stood with me in favor. The King of Glory, me, the I Am, King over all, Creator. You are with Me. That is enough and we together are unleashed on a hungry, hurting world that needs hope and hugs galore. It is done!
Rottenness is rooted out and light and holiness infiltrate every dark place. You carry my light into every place, in every interaction. You are enough. It is well. Sitting, listening, loving, hugging, there is more to that than you know. It is ok. You are well with me.
B – I feel washed, Lord. I feel safe. I feel loved. I feel thankful. I feel you.
G – Stay. It is ok. You are well, it is my place for you and I am using you beyond what you can think or imagine. There is much to do and I am doing. You are standing, trusting and believing it is safe and I am with you. This is ground, holy ground, for me.
B – Yes Lord, thank you Lord.
G – Spiral macaroni, sauce sticks in crevices. That is you with heaven. You carry a lot of sauce and it is good. The ravaged outside, not smooth, not broken, but very good surface to have a lot of heaven stuck on. The testimony is the treat, extra sauce sticks in all the places.
B – Thank you Lord for all you have in store, for restore, for release, for all you are doing Lord. I say yes and Amen. Let it be today Lord, on earth as it is in heaven. Lord, your way. Thank you.
Luke 6:38 (TPT) Give generously and generous gifts will be given back to you, shaken down to make room for more. Abundant gifts will pour out upon you with such an overflowing measure that it will run over the top! Your measurement of generosity becomes the measurement of your return.
Excerpt from Truth In Hard Places