Have you asked Him recently to share with you about you? I dare you. Choose to be brave in this and have your pen ready. He loves to share His heart.
Beth (B) – I am who He says I am. Who does He say I am?
God (G) – Joy. You are my girl, my very special and chosen one. I have loved you since before time began. I have watched you constantly and known your every laugh, smile, tear and heartbreak. I have always been in the midst of the mess and seen the beauty of what you are in me, of what I meant for you and what you are destined for. I have a plan. I have always had a plan and my plan has never changed. Highly favored doesn’t even begin to describe my heart for you. Lovely and divine, that’s my girl. You are my precious pearl of great GREAT price, washed clean by the blood of Jesus and ready for her bridegroom. You are my special, sweet and precious Beth. All that was, is for my glory. All that is, is for my glory. All that is to be, is for my glory. You have always been and always will be for my glory. All that you are, is for my glory. You glorify me, in all you do, in all you say, in all you think, you glorify me. You are my pure delight. Pure delight. Pure joy. Your reflection is mine. I am in you and I see you as you were designed by me to be, my sweet, a precious girl, full of joy and laughter, peace and joy. Full of fun. Tenderhearted, sweet and loving. You are mine and I am forever yours. We are. Great things, Beth, are in store for you, beyond your wildest imagination. My plan is perfect.
Excerpt from An Encourager’s Heart