Suddenly I knew it was now.
Start. Do not wait. Be now with me. Start the posts. Begin now.
Lord, thank you. Wanting to be now with you.
And so it begins.
I am just two days shy of my 25th anniversary with you, Lord. There is something remarkable about that and this. The timing. Your perfect timing. Even in my feelings of not being ready, in the unknown, in the new, you invite me in, beckoning ‘now’. Yes Lord. Help me see it your way.
Last night I wrote, ‘The point is not the fancy. The point is the yes.’ All the finishing touches on the website, the outer, showcasing, “fancy”, is not your idol. It is mine. You are watching my heart. My inner. My yes. That is the “fancy”. That is your showcase. That is.
Lord as I choose to lay all aside for you, may you be showcased. For your glory Lord. Again Lord. All for you.
There’s something wonderful and frightening about being in your timing. I want now. I do not want to miss your way. I want you. Big, wonderful, fully you in each word. In each moment. In every place, thought, feeling. I want you Lord.
Thank you for reminding me again that you are my more than enough. Thank you that your plan and ideas are so much better than mine. Thank you that I can trust and rely on you and you are safe, my safest place.
Holy Spirit I pray that you will help me in the finishes and that you will make a way where I feel unable, unskilled, that you Holy Spirit see it and I want to see it your way. Thank you Holy Spirit for showing me your way.