God (G) – The trickle is becoming a downpour and it is a mighty wave from my hand and I say, Yes, it is done – it is bigger beyond anything you have yet seen. It is and you will see it. You’ll see my goodness in the land of the living. You hold fast to me – that’s it period – you hold fast and watch and see the wave overtake you. Do not waste breath on what is – that is not – you stay focused on me – that is the truth. The truth always – knowledge of the truth will set you free – any thought that creeps is not from me – I bellow, I trumpet, I proclaim, I laugh, I love, I smile, I sing, I AM – that’s it – it is done and this, my sweet, is just the very, very beginning of a season – yes the 7 years – but more, longer than that, of blessing overflowing and you have shown me your heart. You both are trustworthy and true. Your mettle is sound. (Mettle definition: a person’s ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way. Synonyms: courage, bravery, valor).
You are mine and through it all you kept the first things first – you rest – really truly, it is around the bend.
Beth (B) – I see it.
G – I know you are seeing just the bits of dust being kicked up. You wait and see when your eyes land on the heavily laden carts full of treasure and it is the best. Nothing on a cart about quantity – it is heavily laden with the most precious, valuable, most beautiful…
B – it’s people Lord.
G – Yes, all the ones you will touch with the worldly wealth are the treasure and it is glorious – so, so many hearts that you will touch/impact. Sound – listen to sounds – what the enemy has meant for evil, I am using for good. You will hear – listen – there are people speaking, birds singing, all the sounds declaring the glory of God – join them –
B – Show me, Yes Lord.
G – I guard – not works – it is listening – quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger. It is this I say, listen. I will display my glory. Watch for the most unusual, unexpected displays for my glory. I want you to hear.
B – Yes Lord.
G – rest – me –my presence – it is that complicated. This is not do, this is be still and know that I am and listen. Listen well – for I want you to hear all
B – Yes Lord. Thank you, Lord, for giving me ears to hear. Yes Lord.
G – It is – it is just the beginning – Yes, like the small cloud – keep watching, it is on the way – all this is done – the time is now – Praise me in everything. Stay steady standing on my truth. It is well. Well done good and faithful servant. It is well. It is well.
B – Yes Lord.
G – Be sensitive in every moment. Some things particularly peculiar in the natural – watch, wait, see – listen – listen – listen – it is now – coming quickly and you know it is true.
B – Thank you Lord.
G – How well you have done with me and how pleased I am. You will see with your very eyes – the natural will display my pleasure. The splendor ahead is for my glory and you will know it is my kiss – it is me – only I can do all this and you will know my pleasure. It is good, beyond all you can think, imagine, ask. Well done – truly the very best kid – I am well pleased. What you have accomplished in little now watch and see what I do in plenty – it is glorious – for me. Precious jewels I am trusting you with – precious hearts – so many only you can touch and your gentle way is a huge blessing. I created you for this. This is the Hallelujah season. It is done
Looked up Hallelujah: God be praised, praise the Lord. From Hebrew, hallel means to praise and Yah, shortened form of Yahweh, name of God. (dictionary.com)
And from Wikipedia, Hallelujah means more than simply “praise Jah” or “praise Yah”, as the word hallel in Hebrew means a joyous praise in song, to boast in God. Hallel could also refer to someone who acts madly or foolishly.
Revelation 19:6 Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.”
Excerpt from Truth In Hard Places