Philippians 3:3 (TPT) For we have already experienced “heart-circumcision” and we worship God in power and freedom of the Holy Spirit, not in laws and religious duties. We are those who boast in what Jesus Christ has done, and not in what we can accomplish in our own strength.
Philippians 3:7-13 (TPT) Yet all of the accomplishments that I once took credit for, I’ve now forsaken them and I regard it all as nothing compared to the delight of experiencing Jesus Christ as my Lord! To truly know him meant letting go of everything from my past and throwing all my boasting on the garbage heap. It’s all like a pile of manure to me now, so that I may be enriched in the reality of knowing Jesus Christ and embrace him as Lord in all of his greatness.
My passion is to be consumed with him and not clinging to my own “righteousness” based in keeping the written Law. My “righteousness” will be his, based on the faithfulness of Jesus Christ – the very righteousness that comes from God. And I continually long to know the wonders of Jesus more fully and to experience the overflowing power of his resurrection working in me. I will be one with him in his sufferings and I will be one with him in his death. Only then will I be able to experience complete oneness with him in his resurrection from the realm of death.
I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover. I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead.
What does that look like? Let go of the broken. Let go of the sin. Let go of the resentment, remix, repair. Instead grab on to the hope, the faithfulness, the real and true and good and perfect will of God and hang on tight on purpose and on point. Standing on the Rock! It’s my place now and forever.
Letting go. It really does mean forgetting.
Forgetting the disappointments.
Forgetting the broken choices.
Forgetting the hurtful people.
Forgetting the awful circumstances.
Forgetting, not by my abilities but by the Holy Spirit washing my mind clean and giving me the ability to choose where to rest my thoughts. I get to choose day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment and I choose you. It doesn’t mean I pretend. No, it means I believe. I believe that your word is true and I believe you love me and I believe you have a plan for my life and it is good and I believe you use the testimony of my words to encourage others and point to you. Always I choose to point to you and that is that. That is why I choose.
Philippians 3:14-16 (TPT) I run straight for the divine invitation (Beth note: I get to choose to RSVP Yes) of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize, through the anointing of Jesus. So let all who are fully mature have this same passion, and if anyone is not yet gripped by these desires, God will reveal it to them. And let us all advance together to reach this victory-prize, following one path with one passion.
Beth (B) – What does that look like?
God (G) – It looks like yearning toward me in all areas, in all times, in all places, with all people, in all the seasons, in every feeling, in all. Always choosing to lean in – to me – toward me – into truth and life, into the place of calm and peace – not by your effort but in mine with me. It is always choosing to see me – I am always here – always in the midst – always near and always ready, always listening, always. It is being free in me. Settled in me. Lounging in me. In my presence you always find the settled place your heart yearns for. Yearn into me. Place it all in my hands and lean in ready to receive all you need from me. Expectancy is faith – it is dissolved down to the very best display of believing me fully. Expectancy. Always choosing to expect the very best for you from me. Always. I do not wonder or ponder or fret or trouble or decide – I know – I know all – and it is easy – it is done – it is assured. Rest in that – fully knowing I AM. Really truly knowing it is done – in every area and that, my dear, is more than enough in every area. Rest – knowing I AM says it is done. Really.
B – Yes Lord. I am hearing, receiving, believing. My weary, tired places need this – your assuredness, your ability, your power, your strength, your more than enough in every area – your always every time absolute perfect plan that is sure and true and real and forever. Always. The Amazing Blessings (listed a bunch). Expectancy Lord. I expect you in every area – Yes Lord.
G – The oddity of it all.
The snag.
What matters most.
Stay there.
Be still and know that I Am God.
That is my place with you.
In all the oddity and snaggy places,
Keep still and know.
Keep choosing me.
Keep choosing close to me.
Keep choosing eyes on me.
Keep choosing to stand in the chaos knowing you are safe with me every time.
I am more than enough.
I am loves you dearly, immensely, immeasurable.
That is my truth.
That is my place with you.
That is more than enough.
Choose me.
In every place.
With every person.
With all of your heart and soul and mind.
Choose me.
B – Yes Lord, I choose you fully today. Fully, beyond what I can think or imagine, your immensity and beauty, your purity, and your love for me Lord. All means All. I choose you in All.
Hamstrung? (cripple by cutting their hamstring. severely restrict the efficiency or effectiveness. Synonym: handicap, constrain, restrict, cripple, shackle, fetter, encumber, block, frustrate, cramp, bridle. To limit the amount of something that can be done or the ability or power of someone to do something.)
What Lord?
G – All are hamstrung without me.
B – Yes Lord. Lord, I choose you.
G – Eyes on me – all the time – stay, wait, slow, watching and waiting, expecting – in peace and joy and love and strength and moving with me.
B – Yes Lord.
G – Choose me. Keep choosing me.
B – Yes Lord.
G – Rest, relax, peace, joy, love, tender, careful, gentle, love, smile, hug.
B – Yes Lord.
G – Guide
B – Yes Lord
G – Love
B – Yes Lord.
Excerpt from An Encourager’s Heart