“You were brave.”
It took another to point it out. It was true. I was and I am. Bravery with you Lord. Not out on my own, in my own way, but brave your way Lord. There are lots of words I think of when I think of myself, but I realize I need to add brave to my list. Brave is such a big word and I forget to recognize it.
Definition: possessing or displaying courage. Excellent, great.
I wrote…Yesterday I was Brave!
I asked a brave friend to pray for me. I was feeling stuck in stepping into the release of my writing. My trust, stepping in faith, releasing the words, it all felt connected. I was longing for the release and being in step with you Lord. I was feeling like it was time, overtime. I had the website ready, I had the posts ready and so I did a big, brave, important thing. The thing you asked me. Sharing and sharing and sharing the link.
Your brave thing is different but it’s the same. The thing God asks and we choose to delay.
I feel brave and courageous and yet how does that really feel? It feels uncomfortable. It feels uneasy. It feels like I’m stretching and a bit misshapen while all my other parts catch up and step into this new territory.
The comfort zone. The place of comfort and settled and familiar. And then as my toe sticks out it feels uncomfortable, unsettled and unfamiliar. And yet, that is your place with me that you urge and whisper, that you beam and smile, that you celebrate and call me further out and in. Out of the zone and into your space, the safest place, the place where I feel unsteady and choose to lean in. The place I yearn to hear you and the place that makes me wobble. And as I get my bearings and stand with you, I feel the firm foundation, the space you have invited me into all along that feels ready for my toe and my step and my two feet strongly rooted.
I realize I do brave and courageous every day. And you do too. It looks different but it’s really the same. Bravery takes so many faces and shows up in so many different places and ways. I want to recognize my bravery. I want to see my courage. I want to be aware of the moments, Lord, that you call me into those places with you. My hope is to have a comfort zone so big that I am stepping with you in every area without reluctance. That looks like bigger trust. Bigger faith.
I am brave. I am courageous. It sounds good. And while I feel the unease inside I hear your roar and know you have got this. You reside with me in my bravery and my courage. It is a favorite place of yours.
These are big words and big places and I recognize the sometimes heartbreaking, disappointing terrain where we are called to bravery and courage. But I long still. My heart longs for your way in all Lord.
Yesterday I was Brave. And you met me there. And I am celebrating my new with you.
Lord, thank you for the release, it feels big. Show me your way today. I am brave and I can share with those that stretches me to more trust and faith. Keep showing me your way. I want to share as you show me. Help me to have the courage it takes today. All for you Lord.