Beth (B) – (Feeling like you are) Clearing mechanism, (removing) debris, (getting rid of unnecessary) habits, (bringing) new (things). (Getting) Rid of criticism, complaining, condemnation. (All of my parentheses comments have been added for you, the reader, to add context, but as I sometimes journal, it is just words quickly scribbled that speaks volumes to me. The above, without the clarity words in parentheses, is an example of my quick scribble that is full of meaning for me.)
God (G) – (You are) Listening well. (Choosing) Not to move to anger, disagreement but instead to really hear the overflow of their heart in all situations to hear well. To really hear and then when I move, to pray. And yes, it is everywhere. It is deep. It is pure. It is within your home. It is outside your home. It is in places full of belief and it is in places full of doubt.
B – Yes Lord. Feeling rushed. Feeling swift to finish and move on. Help me slow down.
G – Look up disdain.
Definition: Aloof contempt or scorn. State of being despised of feeling oneself disgraced. To think unworthy: to deem worthless; to consider or treat unworthy of notice, care, regard or esteem; to scorn.
B – So let’s sit there for a little bit. Feeling need both to forgive those that have treated me this way and ask forgiveness for those I have treated this way. Wow. This feels like Holy Spirit. (listed a lot of names of people). Lord, I release bitterness, anger, resentment, hurt, disappointment, feeling of unfairly judged, less than, humiliated, mistaken, misunderstood, slighted.
I am loved. I am honored. I am worthy. I am important. I am more than enough. I Am says it is true and it is finished. Yes Lord. Thank you, Lord. Yes Lord. Feeling heart squeeze.
G- Release, Clean Slate – New
Psalm 32:1-2 (TPT) How happy and fulfilled are those whose rebellion has been forgiven, those whose sins are covered by blood. How blessed and relieved are those who have confessed their corruption to God! For he wipes their slates clean and removes hypocrisy from their hearts. (Footnote 32:1 The Hebrew word for “forgiven” means “lifted off”. Sin’s guilt is a burden that must be lifted off our souls. The Septuagint says, “because they have not hidden their sins.” Footnote 32:2 David uses three Hebrew words to describe sin in these first two verses: rebellion, sins [failures, falling short], and corruption [crookedness, the twisting of right standards]).
B – Yes Lord, I feel the heart pressure.
G – Relax, sit. You are my one and only. The apple of my eye. All my affection is on you. All.
B – Feeling squeeze, like pressure pushing on my heart.
G – Clearing the mechanism. All out that isn’t worthy, so filled with all that is worthy. Not ever what any other thinks ever changes who you are in me. You are always pure, always sure in me, always strong in me, always protected, always loved, always enough, always fully known and understood by me, always. Always. Always. Not ever once is this not sure and true. Never shaken, not ever shaken. This is true. Settle into that with me.
Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
This is the truth. Not ever does evil overcome. Not ever is evil winning. Not ever, and in that place with me, comforted always.
B – Yes Lord.
G – In my lap, against my chest, it is the safest, best place and I am always here for you and I am never in a rush, not ever. I always choose you first and I will linger as long as you want, always.
B – Feeling need to move to asking for forgiveness for all those I have had disdain for, towards. Lord, forgive me for the sin of judgment and criticism and critical condemnation and disdain. Lord, I want to lay all of this garbage at your feet Lord. Show me your way. (And then I see, as a vision, a bucket of blood poured on the garbage at his feet and it is melted, gone, in the name of Jesus.) Lord, I repent more for critical, criticism, disregard and disdain, Lord. Thank you that I can start new.
G – Every person is important to me, so exercise your going slow and showing high regard for every (one) with eyes, ears, heart, more than mouth. Slow to speak.
B – Sweeping bits (sensing as though sweeping with a broom). Lord, thank you for your thorough heart cleaning. Whatever it takes, whatever needs to be done Lord, I am all in, I want what you want.
Psalm 14:3 All have turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.
Romans 4:5 However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness.
Romans 4:5 (TPT) But no one earns God’s righteousness. It can only be transferred when we no longer rely on our own works, but believe in the one who powerfully declares the ungodly to be righteous (Footnote: Or “calculated [reckoned] to be righteous.” The Greek word logizomai is used eleven times in this chapter. This teaches us that our faith is considered or calculated as righteousness before God.) in his eyes. It is faith that transfers God’s righteousness into your account!
Romans 4:7-8 “Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him.”
Romans 4:7-8 (TPT) Here’s what David says: What happy fulfillment is ahead for those whose rebellion has been forgiven and whose sins are covered by blood. What happy progress comes to them when they hear the Lord speak over them, “I will never hold your sins against you!” (Footnote: The Greek uses the word logizomai, which means to take an inventory and settle accounts. God has taken inventory of the virtue of Christ, and through our faith in him, his perfect righteousness is now deposited in our account. It is settled; we are declared righteous by faith.)
Romans 4:21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.
B – Also felt as I listed many names on both lists, I’m offended and yet I’ve done the same things to the same people. Wow! Oh my Lord, This was luscious. Thank you for this divine time. I am so very, very thankful Lord. New, your way Lord, thank you. Today as I sat with you, you unpacked a doozy and it is good. Thank you for wooing me from other things and to you. I am feeling your pleasure in time together. Thank you, Lord.
Excerpt from An Encourager’s Heart