God (G) – Little one, my sweet. Courageous you are. Relax. Deep breathe and peace and joy – in all – every circumstance. I have your back. No man can disobey my plan. I make all come together for your good and my glory. Who am I? The God of all the Universe and I am for you and not against you – it will all be ok.
Beth (B) – Thank you Lord for all you have in store, whatever it looks like. I will trust and follow you – really.
G – Less about circumstances and more on me – who I am, who I say I am, who you are with me – my princess, my girl, my bride, my beloved, my friend, mine and yes you are right, I will not be mocked. I love that you know me and my character and you are willing to declare the truth even in the midst of mess. That is who you are – a declarer of truth. You are walking a rare path – rare air – and you are boldly coming to the throne to commune with me – to fellowship – to connect and you are sharing truth with others in a beautiful, gentle, pleasing, way. Keep declaring truth – so powerful in the Kingdom to have truth declared on the earth. You are a bright spot, the apple of my eye, a bright light. Be still and know that I am God – you are and I love that with you. Our relationship is rich in time, depth, a knowing that surpasses understanding, a deep, rich love that envelops your heart in mine. I am yours and you are mine, known, loved, radiating the joy and love from me. Keep being. Be still. Keep loving, from me through you. Keep praising in all your breaths. You are my precious gemstone. Gemma.
B – Thank you Lord.
Looking up meaning of Gemma online (New Oxford American dictionary, Wikipedia and name meanings): A borrowing from the Latin, Gemma, is taken from gemma (precious stone, jewel). Gemma is a name given to those who obtain pure beauty in every way, shape or form. Kind, caring, wild, funny. (In) French means jewel.
Excerpt from Truth In Hard Places