Victory. My created measuring stick and oh how short my circumstances fall. Victory with the baby. I had my eyes so set on the prize for so long and thought that was the end game – matching my circumstances to the prophetic words and dreams, and it didn’t happen again and again. How different to have my eyes on the victor, believing all that is true about you Jesus, regardless of circumstances and asking for your eyes to see what you see.
Is victory eternity with so many kids?
Is victory that my walk cemented my faith in you?
Is victory that I was so broken, I was willing to go through the desert to healing?
Is victory that I experienced the feelings of depression to be able to empathize, understand, relate?
Is victory that Dave and I continue to choose unity over division?
Is victory that you gave me the perfect first pregnancy and the healthy happy baby we prayed for, longed for, believed for here?
Is victory the relationships in my family that you continue to bring to life?
Is victory your way even more glorious than mine?
Lord, your victory is my one desire. Again, I see the limits of created, the limits of my sight, hearing, loving, understanding.
God (G) – Yes, my sweet, you are walking in victory, my victory with me in you. It looks beautiful and it is brilliant. It is remarkable what you have been willing to walk through with me and it is good.
Beth (B) – Your way Lord. Reveal more. Show me more. Your way. Thank you, Lord.
What Lord? I repent for verbalizing, desiring the focus of the victory on me and my heart. Lord forgive my slanted view. I believe Lord, help me in my unbelief.
G – Ok, so let’s say, I AM,
B – Yes Lord
G – I AM is victory. I AM is walking in victory. Holy, Wholly and completely. Victory.
B – I believe Lord – help me in my unbelief. The misplaced trust of my circumstances defining victory versus your truth. Believing you in all. Searching for your heart, your view, your “reality” – the Kingdom way versus the world way, ok Lord, please Lord, keep showing, revealing, speaking.
Excerpt from Truth In Hard Places