What is connected? Received an email from a friend asking are we ready for breakthrough? And he referred to two scriptures with 818s.
Isaiah 8:18 Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion. (And our friend noted: I believe this speaks to our radical faith.)
Deuteronomy 8:18 But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.
And I asked you Lord for 8:18 scriptures and you gave me,
Matthew 8:18 (TPT) At the sight of large crowds gathering around him, Jesus gave orders to his disciples to get ready to sail back over to the other side of the lake.
And Mark 8:18 (TPT) (Jesus to his disciples) You have good eyes, yet you still don’t see, and you have good ears, yet you still don’t hear, neither do you remember.
Our friend shared with us previously about the Lord showing him 818 and the shape of the butterfly looking the same. And I am seeing butterflies often and musing this morning on the process from the cocoon and to the breakthrough of the butterfly. I think on the struggle, the emergence, the design by God, Creator, to transform creation from (something) and (then) to the beauty. What if the breakthrough is manifest in me, in my ability to see through circumstances and to see you; to believe truth and stand on the rock and not be shaken? I believe there is manifestation of stuff, but what? Am I willing to be breakthrough and bring kingdom into every area? Am I willing to stand no matter and be still? Am I? I am!
There are many things that shake me in circumstances, and yet nothing is wasted. Self focus is exhausting; so much better to focus on you Lord. Lord, to all the people and places with brokenness, I pray for more of you. It is weighty. Something about the scripture. I want to see your way. Maturity comes from embracing truth, the fullness of God believed fully and walking in the fullness of his glory in enemy territory and circumstances. That is maturity in our walk. The fully knowing becomes the measure of maturity. What it is not is a world measure of John 10:10, when Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
The world measure is wealth and comfort. The spiritual measure, sourced from Christ and not the world, is peace, joy, faith, and strength and so much more. The fire hose. I had that thought last night and this morning. Thank you, Lord, for the fire hose and not the dribble (this is an expression of the large amount of revelation or understanding coming hard and fast). So, so much coming from you and thank you that it is right and I can rest in you.
Proverbs 8:18 (TPT) Unending wealth and glory come to those who discover where I dwell. The riches of righteousness and a long, satisfying life will be given to them.
Romans 8:18 (TPT) I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory (Footnote: The Greek word doxa can also be translated “radiant beauty”, “splendor”, “perfection”) that is about to be unveiled within us.
Excerpt from An Encourager’s Heart