And the next day,
God (G) – My vision. My holy vision for you. Reflect on the words. My promises. Those are your sweet spots. Those are the truths. In spite of the decade of apparent debris – I want you sifting and lifting the gems from the years. I want you searching again in my word for the promises. With fuller understanding, deeper appreciation, more wisdom – enlightened by the heavy – Let there be light. Use my Holy Spirit search light to find it. It is there. Be a digger and let me help you to uncover the truth of the past decade and the truth of the era ahead. It is weighty. It is not complicated. It is full of joy and celebration. The season of mourning and captivity is behind – the New Era is full of me. Long to be with me. You can not miss it. You will not miss it. It is yours and you are to take hold of it – my hand – and not let go and I will show you the treasures and the bounty. Let’s go.
Beth (B) – Yes Lord – show me – I want to hold your hand.
G – I can see the traffic coming. Hold my hand. I watch out for you. I am your protection. I am your provider. Do not go out alone. No condemnation but isn’t it interesting you go to “do” and I say no – “be” – “Be” with me, still, watch and see where I go and what I do – it is a very different era – I show – you go with me – that is it. Period.
Think on the words (of others) as ash or honey – Ash comes from dead. Honey comes from life. Ash has no strength – no place – no truth – no authority, no impact when you choose honey and stand with me. Ash falls, floats, gets blown away – you can pray – when ash comes, and it comes, – pray – pray – pray – Rebuke the power of the ash in the name of Jesus – it has no place. Pray for the mouth to be shut. Pray for the mind to be cleansed. Pray for my abundant life. Pray. Whether ash or honey flows is only showing the heart of another – the ash does not mean anything about you, me, your family, my purpose – ash is meaningless. Ash is my call to you to pray. Instead of personalizing, fearing, controlling, judging, PRAY. That’s it. Pray.
B – Praying Lord, for truth to reign over lies.
(Singing worship songs) and then reflecting over the decade,
I cry less Lord – LOL
I am infrequent on panic spin –
You have shown me a decade of life and faithfulness.
You have provided and protected in the season of despair and destruction the enemy intended – he, little ‘he’, did not have his little h way –
HE wins every time.
I know you are good – all the time.
I know the power in be still and know I AM God.
I know you speak truth
I know you bring peace
I know you are Life.
Last Excerpt from Truth In Hard Places