God (G) – Wherever the path may lead I am with you. Wherever we go, it is good. Wherever we are, I am there always. Wherever, I am.
Beth (B)-Yes
G- I am all the time in every way and the “but God”, is the last remnant of fear, the last remnant of doubt, the last remnant of unbelief, the last remnant that is gone in my name, because today is the day that everything changes in the natural and in the Kingdom. The release has come and my glory is filling every single place and it is done. It is finished. It is time to start again fresh, renewed and undone in me. Together we are facing an incredible future and your shouts from the rooftops will forever always declare the goodness of God for my glory and for the impact on this earth, the nation, this county, this region, this city, this church, this family – this is the time! Now, I say and declare, is the time for all to be released – watch, wait and see the goodness of the Lord God Almighty and you are forever changed by the knowing that I am GOOD in every way, in every season, in every circumstance – I am Good. The truth is the truth every single time. Safe – Safe – Safe
B- Ludicrous- I heard that word yesterday.
G- Yes, everything else is ludicrous.
B – (looking up definition: foolish, unreasonable, out of place as to be amusing, ridiculous) Interesting the stark contrast between ludicrous and truth and how the judgment has been upside down from what God’s truth is and in fact the judges believe a truth that is ludicrous. Thank you, Lord. I am listening. What more?
G – Peace, my peace I bring you.
B – Yes Lord. I want to receive all of your peace – peace that surpasses understanding Philippians 4 – yes Lord.
G – Peace beyond measure, beyond circumstances, beyond reason, beyond –
B – Yes Lord. I long for your radical peace – the peace that Jesus had in the storm. He didn’t react to the storm, he responded in authority and called to it and commanded it to be still – yes Lord- I want radical peace – I want radical love and radical hope and radical trust and radical mercy and radical belief. I want to be radical in every way that glorifies you – radical in every way – I want everything about me to point to you. Yes Lord!
G – Suddenly – watch and see the suddenly season is here – in every way watch Me manifest Kingdom in every area. Behold!
Excerpt from Truth In Hard Places