Beth (B) – What do you have to say?
God (G) – Delving in deep. This is a good time to listen and do. Be still and not frantic. Rest in the knowing that I am good and I love you. It sounds trite only if it isn’t really true but since it is, it is all I want you sitting in. My goodness and my love. Worry less. Do not be swayed by circumstances, things, people, especially those not walking with me. They are used to distract, distort, distance. I am love. I am closeness, focus and peace. I am. Just stay with me. Measure your steps by what I say, not what you hear from others (not in truth) or what your feelings scream. You are protected. You are fine. Relax. Let me work. Trust me in this. I want you settled in me. I will meet every need you have. I am the Father of your heart and I know all the hurts, disappointments, hopes, dreams and they are mine. Your heart is mine. Let me heal all the hurts. No man can meet your needs and no man is designed to. If it were so you wouldn’t need to be in relationship with me. I am always the answer, always, in every question. But God, always the answer is I Am. I Am is big enough, tough enough, strong enough, good enough, small enough, loud enough and I will have my way, so just choose to stick with me and I will have my way and it is good. Keep believing. Keep trusting. Keep longing. Keep hoping. Enough is enough every time. I no longer ask. I do. I Am.
B – Confused Lord. What?
G – Reality is not the truth. Reality is a game, who sees what, who experiences what. Reality is distorted fact perceived by mostly broken people in self centered places focusing on best for them not me. Reality does not represent me well. It is a distortion. Let me show you my reality, undistorted, always solid, not confusing, not changing or shifting, solid rock, not shifting sand. Stand on the Rock.
Excerpt from Truth In Hard Places